
Whether you live in Colyton or the surrounding area, you have connections with the town, an interest in the town’s history, or you just wish to support our aims, we would love you to become a member.

Members receive a copy (by email) of our monthly newsletter, can attend our regular meetings (with guest speakers on various local history topics) at a members’ rate, and can attend and vote at our Annual General Meeting.

View some of our Past Events

Members also have the opportunity of getting more actively involved with the Society if they choose:-

  • Volunteer guide in the Heritage Centre
  • Volunteer guide for Town Walks
    Helping with local family history research
  • Helping the Committee with planning and organising events.


  • The cost of membership is just:-
    £8 per calendar year for one person
  • £12 per calendar year for a couple living at the same address

To join please complete the online form below. Once you have completed the form click “Submit”. We will then send a payment link by email to enable you to pay by debit or credit card. 

Please note that this is a manual process so it will not appear immediately!

Membership Application Form

If you prefer to pay by bank transfer or standing order (future payments on 1st January each year) our bank details are:-

Account number: 00992240
Sort code: 309037
Account name: Colyton Parish History Society
Reference: Subs [your initials and surname]