Our Events
The Society is a charity. It was set up as a focus for people who both want to know more about the history of the parish of Colyton, and to share that knowledge with all. To achieve this, the Society has a regular programme of talks, undertakes or supports research, mounts exhibitions and provides volunteers to staff the Colyton Heritage Centre.
All talks start at 7.30pm EXCEPT the February and November talks which are afternoon talks starting at 2.30pm
The attendance fee for each talk is £2 for Members and £4 for Non-members, includes refreshments.
Further details for each event is normally added a few weeks before each talk.
All talks start at 7.30pm EXCEPT the February and November talks which are afternoon talks starting at 2.30pm
The attendance fee for each talk is £2 for Members and £4 for Non-members, includes refreshments.
Further details for each event is normally added a few weeks before each talk.